specialized & proven
We transport musicians, crews, artists, athletes, business people, photographic and film productions, young and old - in fact, anybody who appreciates flawless service and comfortable busses.
Our European Nightliner network guarantees smooth operations even in the main seasons and ensures high availability.
Our service is tried and tested and sophisticated due to years of experience and working with international clients. All changes and transportation variants are calculated, checked and, if necessary, optimized in the planning phase in order to draw up a budget. All orders - big and small - go through the same process.
Our Nightliners are equipped with a modular interior system. This enables adapted bus configurations for 6 to 16 passengers. Before the tour, each vehicle is adapted to individual customer wishes and requirements.
Our project managers, planners and experts coordinate the buses, drivers and wishes of our clients for over 14,000 production days a year. Our efficient logistics department is always prepared to react to spontaneous decisions and circumstances.
London, Paris, Cologne, Berlin, Rome
Coach Service GmbH
Am Busch 6-8
51580 Reichshof - Wehnrath
Tel.: +49 2265 99210
Fax: +49 2265 992115
Coach Service France SARL
1 Sente du Creux Chemin
78 720 La Celle Les Bordes
Tel.: +33 615 931972 (FR)
Coach Service Italy
Via Leonardo Fibonacci, 46
00166 Roma - ITALY
Tel.: +39 339 8065570
Berlin Rock Coaches GmbH & Co. KG
Hertzstraße 62A
13158 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 49851550
Trucking Service GmbH provides an all-round service for the transportation of music and show equipment. Scheduling is in safe hands and our clients can fully rely on the company's tour knowledge and experience. Services include the provision and temporary storage of tour equipment and completing customs procedures.